Welcome to my blog!
Coming from the Chabad-Lubavitch Hasidic community, which is considered to be more "modern" than other communities, people expect that it's easier for me to assimilate and join the secular world. Cue frustrating buzzer noise. WRONG! I am unfortunately woefully ignorant as to how to conduct myself out there- in the big, wide world. Yes, I speak English, which is a plus, but I can't so much as figure out how to buy myself a pair of jeans. Especially not in the midst of this pandemic, when all the changing rooms are closed. (Hit me up in the comments if you've got any tips!) It bewilders me to imagine how the fabric should stretch itself over my ass. Should it be tight? Should it be loose? Some middle ground between the two? I honestly have no clue. I know how to buy skirts, but that's easy. Does the zipper close? Does it cover my knees? Does it match most of my clothes? Okay, great. Mission Skirt Purchase accomplished. But pants are a whole 'nother ballgame....