
Showing posts with the label aggressive positivity

You Matter. A LOT.

Don't minimize your impact on the world. Many people care about you, Many people love you, Many people wish you would realize that more. I'm going through a rough patch, but I'm trying to keep smiling and weather the storm. I'm giving myself space to feel my emotions, but also remembering the good times. It's all the little moments that make life worth it. So please, remember your worth. And know that there are good moments ahead of you. Hugs to all of you!!! 🤗❤️

I Went To My First AA Meeting! Plus, It's Juvenile Arthritis Awareness Day

Recently, I've had to switch medications for my juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. I was on a medication called hydroxychloroquine (yes, the same one that made the news for Covid-19...), which I later found out did nothing to help my disease progression. I then switched to a wonderful new doctor who specializes in pediatric rheumatology who suddenly made everything make sense. I'll spare you the elaborate details, but suffice it to say that my previous rheumatologist had diagnosed me with adult rheumatoid arthritis and was treating me as such, regardless of the fact that juvenile and adult arthritis are diagnosed and treated completely differently.  So I was obviously pretty bummed to hear that I spent nine months on a medication that was useless. My new doctor put me on a med that I got excited about, called meloxicam. It was not a very serious medication, an NSAID, but would hopefully bring down my persistent swelling, pain and inflammation. But of course, there was a catch: I co...

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